
Jun 22, 2020 Remove unused shortcuts from the desktop – this won't uninstall the programs they link to, but it will help to keep things tidy and organised. Next, right-click the desktop and choose View Auto. May 28, 2013 The limited edition of Fences Software by Stardock is free but I paid for the full version so I could access all the features. I’ve been using it for years and my co-workers (and the IT guys) often comment on how clean and tidy my desktop looks; I paid less than $10, I am sure. Aug 14, 2018 CNBC's Macklin Hogan shows you how to organize your iPhone home screen. You can use a special tool to create invisible icons to help add empty space around your apps.

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  1. Downloading iPhone Apps to Your Computer
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Scott Kelby and Terry White show you how to download iPhone apps to your computer, get apps from your iPhone's app store, delete, update and rearrange apps, quickly switch to another app, cut the app clutter by creating folders, access more apps at the bottom of your screen, use Apple's own downloadable apps, and access your audio controls while in another app.
This chapter is from the book TidyTidyMyDesktopTidy desktop download
iPhone Book, The: Covers iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, and iPhone 4, 6th Edition

This chapter is from the book

This chapter is from the book

iPhone Book, The: Covers iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, and iPhone 4, 6th Edition

Believe it or not, I actually could have gone with the name “APP” or “A.P.P.” for the name of this chapter, because apparently we have run out of decent names for bands and songs. APP is a band that has one song in the iTunes Store, “I’m on Fire,” which is a cover of Bruce Springsteen’s “I’m on Fire.” I looked at the popularity ranking for “I’m on Fire” by APP, and it clearly was not, so then I looked at a song called “A.P.P.” by a band called Papa Project, and it sounded like a harmless reggae-style background track, but I was afraid of what A.P.P. might actually stand for, so I went with a safer bet: “App Anthem,” by Jimmy Towle/Doug Kaufman. “App Anthem” is actually a pretty decent sounding rap tune, and while it’s certainly possible “App Anthem” may be littered with dirty words, I’ll never know, because I couldn’t make out a single word, but I don’t feel bad because I’m pretty sure no one older than 14 has even a remote chance of deciphering them. In fact, I doubt that decryption experts at the CIA could figure out what’s actually being said in your average rap song, which makes you wonder why other countries don’t just have secret messages sent to their embedded field operatives via rap tunes. Think about it—the only way we’d be able to crack the code is if we were able to convince a 14-year-old to stop playing Halo long enough to write down what’s being said. But, 14-year-olds don’t write anymore, they text, and they use a shorthand for texting that only other 14-year-olds can possibly understand, and honestly, it would be easier for us to just to do the old “briefcase switcharoo” routine than it would be to find a 14-year-old that hasn’t already been hired by the breakaway Republic of Irapistan. I miss the old days when we just used invisible ink.

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Downloading iPhone Apps to Your Computer

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There are two places to buy apps (short for “applications”) for your iPhone: the first one is on your computer through Apple’s iTunes Store (iTunes comes on every Mac, and is available for free download for Windows PCs at Apple.com). You download the apps onto your computer, and then when you sync your iPhone to your computer, it uploads the apps to your iPhone (if you have that preference set). To get to the App Store on your computer, launch iTunes, then click on the iTunes Store link in the Source list on the left. Next, click on Apps at the top of the iTunes Store’s homepage, and you’ll see featured apps, lists of the most popular apps, and, of course, you can search for apps using the Search Store field at the top right of the window, just like you do for songs or videos. Once you find an app that you want to download and use, you can click on it and then click the Buy App button (or the Free App button, if it’s free). Your apps will be downloaded to your computer, ready to sync to your iPhone.