PDF To Keynote

PDF to Keynote converts PDF-based presentations (e.g., made using LaTeXwith Prosper, Beamer or foiltex) into Apple's Keynote format.

Once translated into Keynote format, every page of your original PDF filebecomes a PDF image, properly scaled and centered on its own slide. Althoughintended for presentations, you can also use it to create slides for thepages of regular documents.

Because each page of your original document becomes a PDF image, you can'teasily edit those pages except by adding new content over the top to maskthings out.


How to Convert PDF to Pages, Keynote or Numbers on Mac. To Convert a PDF to Pages, Keynote or Numbers drag and drop the PDF files to convert to the PDF2Office for iWork window. Once the PDF file has been added, set the Conversion file type to Pages, Keynote or Numbers. You can select multiple PDF files and Batch convert them at once. PDF to Keynote is a free program that can easily converts PDF-based presentations into Apple's Keynote format. Since its last update of this program was on August 2009 with version 1.04a, so the program is often called as PDF to Keynote 1.04a. It is lightweight in only 408k. PDF to Keynote automatically chooses an aspect ratio and slide size based on your PDF page size. Need more options? Pick from a wide range of common aspect ratios, or add your own custom size.

In this video I am reviewing an application called PDF to Keynote. This application allows you to convert PDF files into Keynote files. Link: http://www.macu. When turning a multi-page PDF to Keynote, you can specify a page range if needed. For example, if the PDF has more than 100 pages and you only need the first 10 pages, you can select Range, enter 1-10 and then hit the Return key. To convert PDF to Keynote, click the Convert button.

Wow, that's cool you say...? How do you get it? What does it cost?

  • First, realize that PDF to Keynote is a Mac application. If you'renot running OS X, you can't run PDF to Keynote.
  • Click here to download PDF to Keynote (408K)(release notes for recent changes here).
  • PDF to Keynote is “free”, but please consider making me happy byemailing me if you find it useful!

This application isn't signed (in fact it was written before Apple introduced code signing). To open it for the first time, find it in the Finder, control-click, and choose 'Open'.

If you run this version under Leopard, althoughLeopard supports 64-bit apps, I recommend that you set it to open as32-bit -- most apps are 32-bit on Leopard and some of Apple's 64-bitlibraries aren't quite as debugged as I might like. [In the Finder, openan inspector on the application, and click 'Open as 32-bit'.]

PDF to Keynote doesn't directly support the file format used by Apple'snewest versions of Keynote (which is an undocumented proprietary binaryformat), but as of version 1.04 (released October 29, 2013), it doesproduce a rendition of the Keynote '09 format good enough to adequatelyplease these tools. If you have an earlier version, you can either downloadthe most recent version of PDF to Keynote, or open your document in Keynote'09 and resave it. This latter strategy is useful if you've got old documentsmade by an earlier version of PDF to Keynote.

PDF to Keynote doesn't run on the Apple iPad, nor directly support it. In fact, the program was last updated in August, 2009, before anyone had heard of iPads. But if you run it on a Mac, in theory the files it makes should work on an iPad, because iPad keynote can import Keynote '09 files. (If not, try loading into Keynote '09 on a Mac and resaving the file.)

This application only runs on Macs running OS X. If you're running Windows, you're mostly out of luck.

Free Pdf To Word Converter

As with most “free” software, it has a license agreement, so itisn't as free as, say, something in the public domain, nor (currently) asfree as GNU-style free software. It's free like free beer that you canonly drink after signing an agreement saying you won't hold anyone elseresponsible if the beer gets you drunk and you make a fool of yourself(or worse), nor will you sue for emotional distress if it doesn't tasteas good as you hoped, and so forth.

Uses for PDF to Keynote

Possible uses include

Pdf To Keynote Online Converter

  • Using Keynote as your presenter…

    Make slides in your favorite tool but present them with Keynote. Great for people who make their slides in

    • Beamer
    • Prosper
    • foiltex
  • Use Keynote to export PDF to other formats (e.g., as a QuickTimemovie)…

    You can do this with PDF slides, but you can also do it with documents.It's pretty wacky to see, say, the Keynote manual, played as a movie.

  • Convert your old slides into Keynote slides…

    If you want to move over to Keynote, but have some investment in some othertool, you can ease that transition by using images of your existing slides asa starting point. If you can print or export to PostScript or PDF, you're allset. Possible sources include

    • Claris Impact
    • Scanned transparencies

    You may even have access to an auto-feeding scanner that can makeshort work of scanning your old paper notes or transparences to a PDFfile—many multifunction office copier/printers can do this task.

  • Mark-up documents in OmniGraffle…

    As a bonus, if you have a form in PDF or a PDF file for a fax that you wantto annotate, PDF to Keynote can help. It also converts to OmniGraffleformat, where you can add whatever annotations you need. (Why? Because wecan!)

Why Keynote?

Presenting in Keynote has several advantages over Preview or Adobe Reader,including a highly configurable presenter display, rehearsal support,notes and annotations visible only to the presenter, and, of course,Keynote's trademark transitions.

Why OmniGraffle?


OmniGraffle is cool! If you don't own it, you should (many folks got itfree with their Mac, courtesy of Apple). Because of the way PDF to Keynoteworks, it was “trivial” (at least in theory) to also export to OmniGraffle.

Release Notes

PDF to Keynote began as a Perl script (called pdf2keynote). It wassometimes a bit slow, so I thought it would be nice if it had a graphicalinterface so you could watch its progress as it saved the file. I alsofigured that such a tool could be useful to more people than just me, butthat most other people would would prefer a GUI application.

Minor bugfix.
Improve Keynote '09 export compatibility. Now works with QuickLook, Keynote 6.0 as well as iPad and iCloud Keynote.
Issue a warning when people try to run PDF to Keynote as 64-bit on 10.5. (Also, recompiled so that it is 32-bit only on PowerPC.)
Switch from using TrimBox by default to using CropBox (which works better with Preview's 'Crop Pages' functionality). But in case people want to use any of the other various boxes PDF has, it's now user selectable via a preference. And in case people can't remember what it's supposed to be, there is also an option to reset the preferences back to their defaults.
Compile as 64-bit for good citizenship in Snow Leopard, added support for more recent Keynote file formats (including iWork '09's zipfile-based bundles), fixed bug with automatic conversion when the file already exists.
Note:Under 10.5 Leopard, I recommend running as 32-bit [in the Finder, inspect the application and click open as 32-bit] because Apple's 64-bit PDF output libraries have some bugs not present in their 32-bit counterparts. You might speculate that there are no such issues in Snow Leopard, but I cannot confirm or deny such speculation because if I were testing the application under Snow Leopard, I would be under a non-disclosure agreement, which would be violated by comments such as 'It works fine in 64-bit under Snow Leopard', so I offer no such comment.
Fixed problem with Localized.strings
Actually clip to PDF bounds
Handle auto-save when file exists
Added auto-save
Added auto-open / auto-close
Include the size of the current page as an available presentation size
Use TrimBox, then CropBox, then MediaBox to determine bounds of the image.
Generalized file-format support (If you can write a Perl/Python/whatever script to make an index file for your favorite file format that's saved as a “bundle”, you can make PDF to Keynote write that format. Write the script, and edit Config.plist and Info.plist and you're done.)
Provide names for the sizes
Added OmniGraffle support
Added basic AppleScript support, fixed minor bug
Improved error checking on save, run under 10.3.9.
Allow presentation size(s) to be customized via non-UI preferences, use and
Fixed bug with rotated PDF files
First public release (not widely publicized)

How Does it Work?

Many applications store their files in “packages”. You can examine thesepackages with the Finder's Show Package Contents contextual menu?try it ona Keynote document and you'll see that it is really just a folder containingall the images used in the document (as separate files) and an all-importantfile (index.apxl.gz in the case of Keynote) describing everything elseabout the document. PDF to Keynote creates the folder and the image files,and then calls a Perl script to build the necessary index.apxl.gz file.The Perl script is remarkably “dumb”—it just pieces together three templates:the opening stuff that the file needs to begin with, a piece that is repeatedfor each slide, and the closing stuff that the file needs to end with.

Convert Pdf To Keynote Mac

An XML Rant

Human-readable files are a good thing. Human editable files are good, too. Ifthe file-formats of Keynote and OmniGraffle weren't, at least to some extent,human readable, I wouldn't have been able to write PDF to Keynote, at leastnot this way.

But go on, take a look at the XML produced by Keynote, especially versionstwo and three. It's barely readable?you need to be a masochist to wade yourway through the grotesquely tangled and verbose mess. It is, in essence, adump of the internal data structures used by Keynote. And it isn't writableby anything except Keynote, because only the authors of Keynote know exactlywhat the rules are for the composition of a Keynote XML file. I worked outhow to convert to Keynote only by taking an existing file saved by Keynoteand experimenting by trial and error to see what I could throw out and whatseemed to be required. The Keynote XML format is so bad that it isn'tmerely an embarrassment to Apple, it actually makes baby Jesus cry.

Keynote XML format is just one of several examples of ill-thought-out use ofXML. XML does have its place, but before choosing XML as a format, you shouldunderstand the trade-offs involved in that choice. Know when you should useXML, how you should use it, and what the alternatives are. In particular,be aware of

  • XML rah-rah-ism—It's dying down a bit now, but there was a timewhen it seemed like everything needed to be done with XML, even whenthere was no real logic to doing so. If you want to use XML, please havea reason. Can you give an informed argument as to why you shouldn'tjust use a simple text format? If you can, cool, but otherwise, don't letmarketing and fashion win over technical merit. Apple's decision toswitch its Property List files from the simple and readable text-basedOpenStep format to a far less readable XML format seems like a classiccase of putting buzzword compliance ahead of techical merit.
  • Syntax vs Semantics—XML “solves” the syntax problem, which is aproblem that was already largely solved?most applications didn't need anddon't benefit from the “new solution to the syntax problem” that XMLprovides. For many applications, OpenStep's textual Property Lists orLisp's S-expressions provide a more compact and more elegantrepresentation. XML does not solve the semantics problem. Even if apublic DTD existed for the Keynote XML format (it doesn't), I can giveyou plenty of files that are valid XML that Keynote won't open.
PDF To Keynote

So first, remember that XML is not a panacea—if you take crap and encode itin XML, it's still crap. Second, if you do use XML, you should either

  • Keep things so simple that the structure of your XML files isblatantly obvious.
  • Write a DTD for your XML, make it publicly available, and thendocument all the invariants for your files that can't be described in theDTD. For example, in your DTD, you might have defined rotation-angleas a floating-point number, but perhaps you should document that it is indegrees, not radians, and the valid range is -179.999 to +180.0; thatrotation happens after the object is placed at the given x andy coordinates; and that rotation is performed at the bottom leftcorner, not the center. Those kinds of semantic details matter.

And remember, in the time it takes to write a DTD, you could have written agrammar specification for a parser generator like Yacc or Antlr.

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KEY Converter


.key files are presentations, created with Apple's presentation software Keynote, which is part of the iWork package. Keynote is availabe for Mac OS X and iOS and is a competitor to Microsoft Powerpoint. .key files can contain slides with pictures, charts, transitions and videos.

PDF Converter


PDF is a document file format that contains text, images, data etc. This document type is Operating System independent. It is an open standard that compresses a document and vector graphics. It can be viewed in web browsers if the PDF plug-in is installed on the browser.

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Pdf To Keynote Converter

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