
Ortelius is a microservice management platform that versions and tracks microservices, their consuming applications, ownership, blast radius and where they have been deployed with all critical deployment metadata. By centralizing and tracking detailed configuration data, Ortelius provides you a proactive view of how your microservice architecture is changing overtime. The latest version of Ortelius is maintained by the Ortelius Community managed by the Continuous Delivery Foundation (Linux Foundation). It was originally created by DeployHub and OpenMake Software. Our mission is to simplify the adoption of modern architecture through a world-class microservice management platform driven by a supportive and diverse global open source community.

Ortelius’ atlas project had the blessing and aid of Mercator, who supplied Ortelius with coordinates of places in America. Although the map appears rather erroneous to modern eyes, it actually contains some of the best compilation work of the period, which was a hallmark of mapmaking in the sixteenth century. Ortelius is a full-featured vector drawing application, especially for map design. Draw directly with features such as roads, rivers, coastlines, buildings, symbols, and contours.

Microservice Mapping

Microservice Catalog and Publishing

Microservice Versioning



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Microservice ownership.
Logical application versions.
Microservice blast radius.
Difference reports over time, microservice and logical application.
Microservice inventory usage across all clusters.
Microservice key value pairs management.
Helm and Ansible Support.
Reusable actions and templated deployment logic.
Supports hybrid environments.
Blue/Green and Canary deployment models.
Rollback and roll forward recovery.
Integrates with CI/CD.

Abraham Ortelius – Our Inspiration

Abraham Ortelius made his name by collecting data from scientists, geographers, and cartographers of his time and transforming it into what the world now knows as a world Atlas. His Atlas, titled Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (Theatre of the World), was published on May 20, 1570. His Atlas disrupted the way the world was seen, with the first concepts imagining continental drift. Also of interest are the sea monsters shown in the water – mythical creatures that were a subject of fascination in Ortelius’ generation.


A Thought Leader in Sharing

Ortelius also in some ways created on open source community of his day. To accomplish his goal, he was the first cartographers to give credit to his fellow scientists by adding their names to the Atlas. Ortelius was known to have corresponded with other professionals throughout Europe and pulled together their knowledge to create his publication and a truly global view of the world.

Ortelius Advisors

Thank you Abraham Ortelius for showing us the way.