Duotone Affinity Photo

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  • Use the Save button in the Duotone Options dialog box to save a set of duotone curves, ink settings, and overprint colors. Use the Load button to load a set of duotone curves, ink settings, and overprint colors. You can then apply these settings to other grayscale images. Photoshop includes several sample sets of duotone, tritone, and quadtone.

In diesem Affinity Photo Tutorial zeige ich, wie man einen Duotone Effekt in Affinity Photo erstellt. Das geht sehr schnell mit der Anpassung Verlaufsumsetzu.

In Photoshop, duotone refersto monotones, tritones, and quadtones as well as duotones. Monotonesare grayscale images printed with a single, non-black ink. Duotones,tritones, and quadtones are grayscale images printed with two, three, andfour inks. In these images, colored inks, rather than differentshades of gray, are used to reproduce tinted grays.

Duotonesincrease the tonal range of a grayscale image. Although a grayscale reproductioncan display up to 256 levels of gray, a printing presscan reproduce only about 50 levels of gray per ink. For this reason,a grayscale image printed with only black ink can look significantlycoarser than the same image printed with two, three, or four inks,each individual ink reproducing up to 50 levels of gray.

Duotone Affinity Photos

Sometimes duotones are printed using a black ink and a gray ink—theblack for shadows and the gray for midtones and highlights. Morefrequently, duotones are printed using a colored ink for the highlightcolor. This technique produces an image with a slight tint and significantlyincreases the dynamic range of the image. Duotones are ideal fortwo‑color print jobs with a spot color (such as a PANTONE Color)used for accent.

Because duotones use different color inks to reproduce differentgray levels, they are treated in Photoshop as single-channel, 8‑bit,grayscale images. In Duotone mode, you do not have direct accessto the individual image channels (as in RGB, CMYK, and Lab modes).Instead, you manipulate the channels through the curves in the DuotoneOptions dialog box.

  1. Convertthe image to grayscale by choosing Image > Mode >Grayscale. Only 8‑bit grayscale images can be converted to duotones.
  2. In the Duotone Options dialog box, select Preview topreview the image.
  3. For the Type option, select Monotone, Duotone, Tritone,or Quadtone.
  4. Click the color box (the solid square) to open the colorpicker, then click the Color Libraries button and select an inkbook and color from the dialog box.


    To produce fully saturated colors, specify inks in descendingorder—darkest at the top, lightest at the bottom.

  5. Click the curve box next to the color ink box and adjustthe duotone curve for each ink color.
  6. Note:

    To apply a duotone effect to only partof an image, convert the duotone image to Multichannel mode—thisconverts the duotone curves to spot channels. You can then erasepart of the spot channel for areas that you want printed as standard grayscale.

Ina duotone image, each ink has a separate curve that specifies howthe color is distributed across the shadows and highlights. Thiscurve maps each grayscale value in the original image to a specificink percentage.

  1. To preview any adjustments, select the Preview optionin the Duotones Options dialog box.
  2. The default duotone curve, a straight diagonal line, indicatesthat the grayscale values in the original image map to an equalpercentage of ink. At this setting, a 50% midtone pixel is renderedwith a 50% tint of the ink, a 100% shadow is rendered in 100% color,and so on.

  3. Adjust the duotone curve for each ink by dragging a pointon the graph or by entering values for the different ink percentages.
    • In the curve graph, the horizontal axismoves from highlights (at the left) to shadows (at the right). Inkdensity increases as you move up the vertical axis. You can specifyup to 13 points on the curve. When you specify two values alongthe curve, Photoshop calculates intermediate values. As you adjustthe curve, values are automatically entered in the percentage textboxes.

    • The value you enter in the text box indicates thepercentage of the ink color used to represent the grayscale valuein the original image. For example, if you enter 70 inthe 100% text box, a 70% tint of that ink color is used to printthe 100% shadows.

  4. ClickSave in the Duotone Curve dialog box to save curves created withthis dialog box.
  5. ClickLoad to load these curves or curves created in the Curves dialogbox, including curves created using the Arbitrary Map option.

    You can use the Info panel to display ink percentages whenyou’re working with duotone images. Set the readout mode to ActualColor to determine what ink percentages will be applied when theimage is printed. These values reflect any changes you’ve enteredin the Duotone Curve dialog box.

Overprintcolors are two unscreened inks printed on top of each other.For example, when you print a cyan ink over a yellow ink, the resultingoverprint color is green. The order in which inks are printed, aswell as variations in the inks and paper, can significantlyaffect the final results.

To predict how colors will look when printed, use a printed sampleof the overprinted inks and adjust your screen display accordingly.Keep in mind that this adjustment affects only how the overprintcolors appear on-screen, not when printed. Before adjusting thesecolors, make sure to calibrate your monitor.

  1. Click Overprint Colors. The Overprint Colors dialog boxshows how the combined inks will look when printed.
  2. Click the color swatch of the ink combination that youwant to adjust.
  3. Select the desired color in the Color Picker, and click OK.
  4. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you are satisfied with theink combination. Then click OK.

Use the Save button in theDuotone Options dialog box to save a set of duotone curves, inksettings, and overprint colors. Use the Load button to load a setof duotone curves, ink settings, and overprint colors. You can thenapply these settings to other grayscale images.


Photoshop includes several sample sets of duotone, tritone, andquadtone curves. These sets include some commonly used curves andcolors. Use these sets as starting points when you create your owncombinations.

Because duotones are single-channel images,your adjustments to individual printing inks are displayedas part of the final composite image. In some cases, youmay want to view the individual “printing plates” to see how theindividual colors will separate when printed (as you canwith CMYK images).

  1. After specifying your ink colors, choose Image >Mode > Multichannel.

    The image is converted to Multichannel mode, with eachchannel represented as a spot color channel. The contents of eachspot channel accurately reflect the duotone settings, but the on‑screencomposite preview may not be as accurate as the preview in Duotonemode.


    If you make any changes to the image in Multichannelmode, you can’t revert to the original duotone state (unless youcan access the duotone state in the History panel). To adjust thedistribution of ink and view its effect on the individual printing plates,make the adjustments in the Duotone Curves dialog box before convertingto Multichannel mode.

  2. Select the channel you want to examine in the Channelspanel.
  3. Choose Edit > Undo Multichannel to revertto Duotone mode.
Duotone Affinity Photo

Duotone Affinity Photoshop

When creating duotones, keep in mind that both the order in which the inks are printed and the screen angles you use have a significant effect on the final output. (If needed, change the halftone screen angles on the printer’s RIP.)

Duotones Affinity Photo

You do not have to convert duotone images to CMYK to print separations—simply choose Separations from the Profile pop‑up menu in the Color Management section of the Print dialog box (for setting printer options). Converting to CMYK mode converts any custom colors to their CMYK equivalents.

To export a duotone imageto a page-layout application, you must first save the image in EPSor PDF format. (However, if the image contains spot channels, convertit to Multichannel mode and save it in DCS 2.0 format.) Rememberto name custom colors using the appropriate suffix so that the importingapplication can recognize them. Otherwise, the application may notprint the colors correctly, or it may not print the image at all.

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