

Use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in 'subreddit' author:username find submissions by 'username' 46 followers on LinkedIn. was founded by a group of University of Maryland alumni who wanted to help create a more collaborative and interactive learning environment for.

We'd be honored if you would vote for us in the categories in which we've helped you:

Best Other Learning Platform (Category #4)

  • Company: BCI
  • Product: Actionify or KnowledgeNow or MessageNow

Best Sales Enablement Solution (Category #10)

Action Of Zoloft

  • Company: BCI or CCI
  • Product: Pathways to Growth or Customer Outcome Selling

Best (Sales) Leadership Development Program (Category #13)

Best Soft Skills Content (Category #14)

  • Company: BCI
  • Product: Exceptional Presentations, Win-Win Negotiations, or Customer Outcome Selling

Best Sales Training (Category #16)

  • Company: BCI or CCI
  • Product: Customer Outcome Selling or Rev-Gen Plays

Best Gamification Solution (Category #19)

Best Video Capture Tool (Category #20)

  • Company: CCI
  • Product: KnowledgeNow or MessageNow



Best Testing & Assessment Tool (Category #22)

Best Social Learning (Collaboration) Solution (Category #23)

  • Company: BCI
  • Product: Actionify

Voting ends October 1, so please cast your ballot now!

(To validate your vote, use an organization domain email address. Votes posted using gmail, aol, cox, etc. or personalized email addresses will be nullified.)
