
  1. Mac Email Clients
  2. Mailsmith
  4. Mailsmith Mcintosh
  5. Mailsmithing
Module:Maybe earlier than module 20
Category:Profession Asset
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Binding:{{ {{{binding}}} }}
Requires class:{{{class}}}
Requires race:{{{race}}}
Requires level:{{{level}}}
Item level:{{{ilevel}}}
{{{damage}}} Damage
Set Name:{{{set}}}
Sell value:various
Refinement point:{{{valueRP}}}
Buy cost:

Mailsmith is an Internet email client for the Macintosh which offers unparalleled filtering, searching, editing and scripting capabilities. Mailsmith breaks new ground in making powerful.

Mailsmiths are MailsmithingProfessionAssets that can be acquired as necessary components for completion of Mailsmithing tasks from Forgotten Profession Level 14 and above, and/or as optional components in Rare tasks that will reduce the completion time for their armor pieces.

Mailsmiths are Mailsmithing Profession Assets that can be acquired as necessary components for completion of Mailsmithing tasks from Forgotten Profession Level 14 and above, and/or as optional components in Rare tasks that will reduce the completion time for their armor pieces. Sep 30, 2002 Last week I explained how you can use Mailsmith's distributed filters to manage your incoming mail in flexible and efficient ways. This week I concentrate on outgoing mail, with a few tips on handling mail you do not expect - and may or may not want. Filtering Outgoing Messages - In most email programs, the mail you send is all lumped together in a single Out box on the assumption that you. Sep 30, 2002 First, the special Sent property of messages in Mailsmith applies to only outgoing messages; it fails (or is ignored) when applied to incoming messages. Second, since mail in the outgoing mailbox is filtered only after it has been sent, this test is strictly a formal requirement. Jamail & Smith delivers results your clients will love by completing a project on schedule and within budget, fulfilling all specifications and requirements mentioned in the contract, and avoiding disputes and claims to ensure that the final product meets its intended purpose.

Mailsmiths of quality above Common can only originate from [Professions Booster Pack] and asset packs, but they may be traded or bought/sold on the Tarmalune Auction House.

Mac Email Clients

An [Assistant Mailsmith] can be acquired from a task at Forgotten Profession Level 14. The task requires 4x [Blacksmith]. Mailsmiths of higher tiers may be acquired from [Professions Booster Pack] purchased in the Zen Market. Mailsmiths are not bound and may be bought and sold on the Tarmalune Auction House or traded.

A task requiring a Mailsmith as an asset will take any tier of Mailsmith in its slot. Higher tiered Mailsmiths serve only reduce the production time for the task. A Mailsmith may also be used in place of a [Prospector] or a [Blacksmith] for tasks that call for them.

At Profession Level 3, 4x [Mailsmith] can be upgraded to produce a [Master Mailsmith].
At Profession Level 4, 4x [Master Mailsmith] can be upgraded to produce a [Grandmaster Mailsmith].
At Profession Level 14, 4x [Blacksmith] can be upgraded to produce an [Assistant Mailsmith].
There is no task that will allow an [Assistant Mailsmith] to become a [Mailsmith].

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Module:Maybe earlier than module 20
Category:Profession Asset
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Binding:{{ {{{binding}}} }}
Requires class:{{{class}}}
Requires race:{{{race}}}
Requires level:{{{level}}}
Item level:{{{ilevel}}}
{{{damage}}} Damage
Set Name:{{{set}}}
Sell value:8
Refinement point:{{{valueRP}}}
Buy cost:


Assistant Mailsmiths are MailsmithingAssets that can be hired to perform various tasks in order to raise the character's Mailsmithing level and to produce chain and scale armors for the Devoted Cleric and the Great Weapon Fighter respectively. Mailsmiths are required assets needed to complete most Mailsmithing tasks from levels 14 to 20. They can also be added to tasks that offer optional personnel asset slots to reduce the completion time for those tasks. Additionally, they also count as Rank 1 and Rank 2 persons, so they may be used in lower level tasks that call for [Prospector] and [Blacksmith].

An Assistant Mailsmith may be acquired by completing a task at Profession Level 14 that consumes 4x [Blacksmith]. They may also be traded on the Tarmalune Auction House.

Assistant Mailsmiths provide a 5% speed bonus to any tasks in which they are assigned to an Optional Slot. They provide no speed bonus when assigned to the Required Asset Slot.

Mailsmith Mcintosh



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